What discipline of shooting sport is right for you?

What discipline of shooting sport is right for you?


Round and trench stands strictly regulated sports. Sporting, by contrast, is limited only by the imagination of the Creator of the range.


Дисциплины в стендовой стрельбе


Trap shooting is one of the most popular entertainments with a gun. Although there are many varieties and variations, today in Russia the most popular three:


Trench stands (“Trap”)

The old discipline; the first plates and hidden trenches to run appeared in 80-ies of the 19th century. Shooting takes place in an open field with a single place to start, partially buried in the ground where plates run up and arrow imitating the soaring pheasant, partridge and other birds.

The machine is configured so that the direction of each launch varies, and this contributes to the element of surprise, since the target appears at different angles to the arrow.


Round the booth (“Skeet”)

If trench stand simulates birds flying in the direction of the arrow, here you are dealing with opposing side targets. In 1900, three athletes from Massachusetts, tired of the mistakes on the hunt changed the direction of the launch and location of machines, creating a circular stand, which is now used in eight stations that provide a wide range of angles of launch targets.



The modern discipline of shooting sport, where the trajectory of the target less regulated and predictable. The maximum result is virtually unlimited. Matches are usually held in forests, and a variety of targets that are of arrow is limited only by the imagination of the Creator of the range.

Frisbees fly at speeds and angles that will not see in the first two disciplines. Served as single targets and doubles, or second target can release after the shot. The target can be inverted, theft, lateral, ascending, falling, flying at high altitude in the direction of the arrow or from it, and even galloping on the ground.


Sophisticated trench and round stands

If you’re bored at the usual trench or a round stand you can try the double version of each. In the double trap with each station running simultaneously two targets. But in this case, the target flying on a constant trajectory angle of 22 degrees left and right.

With each station, one target – theft and the second is flying under extremely difficult angle. One round of doubles is 50 shots. Everything is fast and fun. Use only 1 to 7 stations. With each station run two targets, and the shooter moves from station 1 to 7, and then back to 1 through all the stations, where he finished the round.

Some of the doublets do not differ from the usual, but a pair of targets launched from 3, 5 and 7 stations – unusual and challenging.