High precision shooting

Damaging of pinpoint targeting by one shot on a great distance that is what this direction of practical shooting implies as high precision. With great pleasure we offer our visitors to get acquainted with the essence and try this type of shooting sport at the Sniping Club shooting range.

The high precision firing is not the most spectacular, but fascinates by its unique features. In fact, in order to reach the target on a long distance the shooter should not only be able to hold a weapon, but also have a sharp eye and a number of other qualifications.


High precision shooting is practiced from rifled small-arms – rifles, which provides increased shooting accuracy. Rifles using ammunition up to .50 calibers (12.7 mm) are allowed for sniper shooting in accordance with the Weapon Act.

At the Sniping Club shooting range you have the opportunity to use a rented one or practice shooting with your rifle. At the same time, the platform on which targets for high precision shooting are located, allows shooting at a distance of up to 800 meters. That makes possible to use different and very complex techniques depending on the skill of the shooter: transfer fire deep, on the flanks, alternating shots from right to left, farther-closer.


We guarantee that everyone can try themselves in this shooting direction. Our target stand and its settings for different shooting conditions allows nonprofessional shooters, sportsmen and hunters simulate any type of shooting combinations, considering such discipline as benchrest and shorter distances of drive hunting.

Distance between targets is 50 meters. Thus, you can easily practice your skills of high precision shooting starting from the distance of 50 meters and stepwise moving for further spacing.

In order that the high precision shooting was even more interactive, members of the Club can use all available different targets. These are paper and steel (gongs and poppers) simulating the running of a boar or a hare.

Here you can find pricing for rent of a field, instructor services, rent of weapons and ammunitions, the costs of shot and etc.



Our instructor will obligatory give an introductory cours on the rules and safety measures for handling of weapons. Instructors will explain and run a base training on shooting and more advanced course from 2 till 4 hours if necessary.




Verney Carron Impact

Steyer Manlicher RFR22LR

Sig Sauer M400

Sig Sauer 556xi

Saiga MK 769×39

Saiga MK 545×39

Saiga 415 mm

Orsis T-5000

Orsis F-Class

Telephone for information

+373 60 258 855

Join the shooting range

In case if required time is busy, we will contact you and offer other options.

    Our goal is to ensure that each shooter receives maximum knowledge in handling of weapons. Realized skills in specially equipped places. It is possible to get the same skills on the pistol and stand shooting.