“The main methods of trainings of shooters-athletes”

Zilina M. Ya. — “The main methods and means of trainings of shooters-athletes”

Жилина М.Я. - "Основные методы и средства тренировок стрелков-спортсменов". Подготовка стрелка психо-технически, книга Жилиной The characteristic of the work performed by the shooter in the conditions of trainings and competitions corresponds to the Rules ISSF. In shooting sport various exercises, a certain weapon which all parameters are determined by Rules of competitions are used.

Any rifle — weight no more than 8 kg, standard — no more than 5 kg, guns — no more than 1260, etc. Besides, are defined by Rules quantity of shots in each exercise and time of its performance:
MP-6 — 75 shots, 2 h, PP-3 — 75 shots, to 1 h is 45 min., etc

Zilina M. Ya. — “The main methods and means of trainings of shooters-athletes”

The shooter at trainings and competitions works with the same individual arms which he takes up for an preparing for mounting gun, holds in the region of an aiming and carries out a shot, or holds it without shot for strengthening of training influence, solving at the same time special training problems. All actions of the shooter have periodic character as work on deduction of weapon alternates with rest. Therefore intensity of work of the shooter can change due to the number of raising of weapon and time of its deduction. These objective sizes are also initial indicators of intensity of training influences.
Showed studying of training work of shooters on timings that at a training when performing the same exercise the shooter takes up arms and different number of times aims, respectively experiences various training influence, i.e. a training load.

The training load is understood as the work of the shooter performed by his muscles, systems and bodies during rises and deduction of weapon with an aiming. Objective indicators of a training load are: constants — the weapon weight, variables — the number of raising of weapon, time of its deduction and time of rest.
Competitive loading is understood as work of the shooter when performing of competitive exercise by him against the background of the increased mental tension. Therefore, except the specified objective indicators, competitive loading is estimated by degree of mental tension and expressed in the heart rate (HR).
What is required from the shooter for performance of this work? For achievement of sports result, in firing the shooter first of all needs to gain a certain level of development of physical qualities, to seize skills of the technology of firing and to learn to regulate the mental state. Hit accuracy in a target depends on many factors: muscle tension degrees in an preparing for mounting gun, aiming accuracy, the correct technology of pressing a trigger and a mental state. The main condition of a well-aimed shot — the coordinated performance of all actions at a uniform preparing for mounting gun from a shot to a shot. Here high degree of stability of system of arrows weapon is necessary. It is known that primary activity of the shooter happens in the conditions of static loads which increase under the influence of weapon weight.

Long hours-long trainings and competitive firing practice cause exhaustion of the shooter which is formed as a result of physiological changes (shifts) in the working muscles and systems of an organism. These physiological shifts represent natural response of an organism and create some training effect. In shooting sport it is reached during the work, sometimes considerably exceeding one-time performance of competitive exercise.

For strengthening of training influence of an arrow at the same quantity of cartridges increase training work due to long deduction of weapon and recurrence of its rises. The physical activity performed at a training considerably exceeds competitive. This loading causes exhaustion of the shooter, but does not cause increase in ChSS. At competitions the exercise stress does not exceed training, but big mental loading gives significant increase in ChSS.

Performance of exact work in the conditions of trainings and competitions imposes big requirements to neuromuscular work of the athlete as when firing high coordination of many groups of the muscles holding rather motionless an preparing for mounting gun is carried out. The deviation of a trunk of the shooter for only 9-13 minutes gives a hole deviation on a target on 13-17 cm from the center. And the whole exercise lasts several hours, and for achievement of good result of arrows has to work without losing high sensitivity and coordination of neuromuscular system.

Even more strict requirements are imposed to a nervous system. Emission of various hormones in blood increases in a prestarting state at some shooters at 10-15 times in comparison with a condition of rest. It, naturally, causes increase of pulse, change of arterial pressure and increase in cordial emission, increase in a tremor of hands, disturbances of thin coordination of muscle work, etc. At the same time the shooter is affected also by external factors — an unfamiliar shooting range, presence of representatives of mass media, judges, audience and so forth. In these conditions of arrows has to show the best equipment and show the best result. As a rule, because of nervousness it is difficult for shooter to execute a shot from the first estimation and it should do on some mounting of weapon for performance of one shot. If the shooter has no the sufficient level of special endurance, he quickly enough gets tired. Technology of firing is as a result broken and the result decreases.

The equipment of the Olympic champion of the XXII Games in Moscow of A. Melentyev who when performing did exercises of MP-6 (75 shots) only 79 mounting can be an example of economic firing, having shown at the same time record record result — 581 points. The shooter from GDR X. Folmar, took the second place with result of 568 points, made a weapon mounting almost as much.

Author: M.Ya.Zhilina: “Technique of a training of the shooter of the athlete”